Nottingham CEDI

Nottingham CEDI stands for Nottingham Climate Emergency Design Initiative, a network of built environment professionals working together to help Nottingham on its path for a zero-carbon future. It was initiated by the University of Nottingham and prompted by Nottingham City Council’s push towards a Carbon Neutral Nottingham.

Pixelshrink Digital Impact was delighted to be chosen to provide attractive and accessible web design for this build environment sustainability initiative. The new CEDI website is an online resource, where the initiative’s expertise can be downloaded as a series of topic-based guidance documents. Download pages are often unengaging so we wanted to showcase the output in an attractive way.

Firstly we collaborated with the project team on CEDI’s new logo, using the colour scheme that they were already using. We devised a graphic that cleverly combines 3D buildings with a ‘tick’.

The blocks from the logo are repeated throughout the site in the dividers between the content sections.
The website is built to grow organically with the initiative. Newsletter subscription is incorporated into the site as the main call to action.